CERIS Interview Professor Guy Olivier Faure (Université Paris V Sorbonne): Asymmetric Warfare: Negotiating with Terrorists
Professor Guy Olivier Faure is an expert in the field of International Negotiation. He is a Professor of Sociology at the Sorbonne University, Paris V, Department of Social Sciences. He is also a visiting professor in a significant number of Universities all over the world. He lectured in various countries in Europe, in the US, in China and Latin America. His works have been received very well by the public and have been translated in nine languages. M. Faure is the author, co-author and editor of a dozen of books and over 50 articles, including: Negotiating with terrorists: strategy tactics and politics (Taylor & Francis Group, 2010, co authored by William Zartman), La Negociation: regards sur sa diversité (Publibook, 2005), How people negotiate: resolving disputes in different cultures (Springer, 2003), etc. Moreover, he is a member of the editorial board of three major international journals: Negotiation Journal (Harvard, Cambridge); Group Decision and Negotiation (New York); International Negotiation (Washington).