Saturday, November 29, 2014

Western States Hostage Negotiators' Association 29th Annual Training Conference


For Immediate Release

The Western States Hostage Negotiators' Association (WSHNA) is excited to announce their 29th Annual Training Conference.

April 28, 2015 to May 1, 2015 at the Hotel Captain Cook, Anchorage Alaska.

Full information at
WSHNA is also on Facebook under our full name.

Our web site includes presenter information, hotel link with a special negotiated rate, airfare discounts with Alaska Airlines and on-line registration and payment.

The goal of the association is to develop in members a higher degree of proficiency in the performance of their professional duties. The association shall provide training for members, and the association shall act as a resource and conduit for information sharing.

WSHNA depends upon your involvement as a member to accomplish these goals. WSHNA represents police & corrections crisis negotiators from Alaska, British Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, & Washington.

Monday, November 24, 2014

'It’s OK to be touchy-feely': Officers use empathy, active listening to end standoffs

...Bodine credited the safe resolution of the standoff to Crisis Intervention Team training, a 40-hour program that teaches law enforcement officers tactful ways to interact with and help people who may pose a threat, but are dealing with mental health or substance abuse problems, or are simply having a really bad day.

...In the case of the man standing on the Rims, this meant bringing his mother and girlfriend to the scene. Allowing the man to hug his mother before handcuffing him and putting him in a patrol car was the “deciding factor” in ending the standoff peacefully, according to Keightley.
There are other striking differences between the reality of crisis negotiation and how negotiators are portrayed on the silver screen.

Read more at Billings Gazette:

Monday, November 17, 2014

President Obama Orders Full Review of Hostage Negotiation Policy

President Obama has ordered a comprehensive review of policy dictating how the U.S. government tries to secure the freedom of Americans held hostage by terrorists abroad, a senior Pentagon official revealed in a recent letter to a member of Congress.
“As a result of the increased frequency of hostage-taking of Americans overseas, and the recognition of the dynamic threat posed by specific terrorist groups, the President recently directed a comprehensive review of the U.S. Government policy on overseas terrorist-related hostage cases, with specific emphasis on examining family engagement, intelligence collection, and diplomatic engagement policies,”...
Read more from ABC News [HERE]. 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Applying Law Enforcement Crisis Negotiator Intervention Skills To Commercial Mediation

Have a look at this article from Alternatives if you are trying to apply crisis and hostage negotiation skills to your commercial mediation/negotiation practice.

Law enforcement professionals might also find it of value to review your skills as well.

The article covers:

  1. Establishing communication and building rapport
  2. "Buying" time
  3. Defusing emotions
  4. Gathering information to decide on the best negotiation strategy
Download the (pdf) article [HERE]. 

Monday, November 10, 2014

A History of Hostage Negotiation Presentation to The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators London Branch

 A History of Hostage Negotiation
Presentation to The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators London Branch

By Commander Dave Johnston of  The Metropolitan Police Service - Specialist Crime Directorate


Ladies, gentlemen and honoured guests of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators that is the standard opening for any police negotiator.  Thank you for the kind invitation to come here this evening and talk to you about a subject, which has been near, and dear, to my heart for many years.

I thought I ought to begin with a short overview of the history of negotiations before talking of the role we play in today’s environment.

Hostage negotiators have long been used in some form or other and indeed, it is an ancient art or skill, which stretches back to at least the Greek era.   Polybius, the son of an eminent Greek governor  was one of the 1000 nobles who in 168 BC were transported to Rome as hostages and detained there for 17 years. I can only think in horror, of the logistics of maintaining such a negotiation. Particularly today, given health and safety legislation and our growing concern over budgets! 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

the 25th Annual Competition & Seminar for Crisis Negotiations

Hostage Image

Texas State University
the School of Criminal Justice
 the 25th Annual Competition & Seminar for Crisis Negotiations
January 13-15, 2015Every January, the School of Criminal Justice at Texas State University opens its doors to a number of Crisis and Hostage Negotiation teams from around the nation. The conference & seminar is a three day event, consisting of a full day of classes which explore the latest issues faced by negotiators, as well as a two day training component involving mock hostage situations. Classroom and training hours combined accredit participants with a total of 24 TCLEOSE hours. This will be Texas State’s 25th Crisis and Hostage Negotiation Seminar & Conference and we are looking forward to it being a great one.

See more information [HERE]. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

In This Corner: Lost & Found- Staying Alive in Non-Lethal Situations



By Lynne Kinnucan

In the first years of active duty, police officers face circumstances that can destroy their initial enthusiasm and motivation for their jobs.  An idealistic officer becomes a cynic; a highly motivated officer becomes disengaged or bitter.

What is it that makes a career in law enforcement so promising and then so problematic? 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

New England Crisis Negotiators Association Conference

Make sure to check out and register for the 2015 New England Crisis Negotiators Association (NECNA) conference.

The conference is April 27-29, 2015.

See the brochure [HERE- PDF file] and check their site [HERE].