From After much dilly-dallying,the Union Ministry of Home Affairs(MHA)has finally woken up to the need to have a blueprint to train a battery of senior officers on the lines of the US government’s hostage policy, which will deny payment of ransom, prisoner release or any other concessions to the hostage takers.
And the Hostage Negotiation Training Course, which is to be conducted with the help of the US Embassy here next month, will impart expert training to a select group of 24 police officers on how to conduct negotiations with the terrorists.
...The US trainers will prepare DSP and DIG level officers selected from the various states, agencies and paramilitary forces to deal with the media and suicide incidents during hostage crisis. The training will cover different methods of negotiating with the terrorists and include case studies to show how every hostage and crisis situation is different.
The job of a professional negotiator is to calm a situation, attain tactical advantage through skill dialogue and to gain valuable time to deploy all the necessary resources.
Read more [HERE].