“What is destroyed most in high tension situations is trust, and without trust, things will break down very quickly. When they do, they are replaced by increased anxiety and confusion, destroying the participants’ ability to make good, long-term decisions. It is the negotiator’s presence that keeps the trust intact.” - Michael Tsur, International High-Risk Negotiator
IN THIS CORNER | November 2013
By Lynne Kinnucan, Co-Chair ACR Crisis Negotiation Section
An essential part of being a good negotiator, yet the
perhaps the part hardest to define, is the quality of “presence”, that attitude
of being entirely focused, quietly patient, and flexible enough to be creative in
one’s responses to quickly shifting situations.
It is the opposite of rushing in to fix a situation. One
negotiator learned this on the job when he began the process by trying to solve
the issue right away. He stopped when
the subject yelled, “What are you *talking* about?!”
An analysis by the team showed that the negotiator had some
great ideas, alright: he just wasn’t in tune with the person. The subject was still in the attunement stage
-- so named by Dr. Mitchell Hammer, author of “Saving Lives” -- while the
negotiator had jumped immediately to problem-solving. He failed to connect with
the subject; rather than being fully present with him, he jumped in full of his
own ideas.
“You have to get into
their head and wander around there with them,” says retired FBI negotiator Greg
Vecchi. You need to be their best friend, the one who “gets it”. Or, as author
Kurt Vonnegut wrote: “Only connect.”
How do you get this to happen? How do you attain this quality of presence?
There are tools to set the stage for it: how to develop a theme:
how to use delaying tactics; how to influence surrender – all and more are
critical structures, essential to the success of the negotiation. But the fundamental tool is the Behavioral
Change Stairway, that series of five steps that take the negotiator from
listening to influencing behavior. It is
worth noting that the first three steps of the stairway are devoted not to
problem-solving, but to connecting with
the subject.
Why is this open-mindedness, this curiosity, this
flexibility so important?
Things can change within a nano-second, says Michael Tsur, an international high-risk negotiator, so a
negotiator must be able to keep his emotional and mental balance. Or as Mark
Gerzon puts it, “The whole idea of presence is that key information is made
available only in ‘this’ moment. It is
the living moment that controls the solution.” The negotiator must alert enough
to spot this and flexible enough to go with the sudden twists and turns, to be
able to respond creatively as they happen.
No matter what field of negotiation you are involved in, the
attunement and sincerity of the negotiator are primary. The Quaker writer Douglas Steere referred to
this when he wrote that the speaker knows at once if the listener is not truly
present. If the listener is
half-listening, inwardly wondering if so-and-so is going to call, if that car
payment went through….the speaker senses it at once and the real communication,
the kind that makes for transformation, is lost.
So how do we get that quality of being present and bring it
into a crisis negotiation? Here are some
thoughts from such experts as Mark Gerzon, Michael Tsur, Kathy Lubar and Belle
Linda Halpern.
- Listen to yourself first. Manage your own emotions first.
- Are we caught up in the argument instead of attending to what’s going on around us? Are we feeling tense but are not aware of it or the effect it is having on the subject? One crisis negotiator’s voice began to rise as he was negotiating; his pace of speaking quickened and his tone became increasingly loud. The commanding officer, sensing that the negotiator was now emotionally entangled with the subject, quickly replaced him with another negotiator.
- Practice.
- Practice listening, as one author put it, as though you were an anthropologist. Stay relaxed and curious.
- Stay in a state of alert attentiveness.
- Listen closely not only for content (what’s important
to him) but for nuances such as quickening or slowing of speech, sudden
silence, or a change in his demands.
- Keep your emotions and mental state flexible and steady
so that you handle the unexpected with the optimum response.
- Focus with 100% of your being.
- Be open to what is happening right now –things can change in a moment, and crucial information can be given in that new instant.
- Respond to the needs of that moment.
- Be able to notice if a current strategy or behavior is not working.
- Be creative enough to invent a new strategy in the moment.
- Be honest enough to admit it if you don’t have a new approach yet.
In the end, it is about the ability of one’s presence to
engender trust. As Tsur says: “What is destroyed most in high tension
situations is trust, and without trust, things will break down very quickly. When they do, they are replaced by increased
anxiety and confusion, destroying the participants’ ability to make good,
long-term decisions. It is the
negotiator’s presence that keeps the
trust intact.”
Or, as Jack Cambria, Commanding Officer of the NYPD HostageNegotiation Team, puts it: “You have to
care, and that person has to know that you care.”